Taking to web design came natural with my continued passion for graphic design. More of my work here on DeviantArt. I signed up for a coding school in 2019 and graduated in early 2021. The school enhanced my skills as a upcoming developer really familiarizing me in JavaScript libraries like React.js and even Python. During my day job I started making custom edits to WordPress website templates in PHP and adding functionality to prevent spam orders, create lightweight landing pages, and digging into the analytics of those ecommerce websites to improve the overall customer experience.
I really am a jack of all trades: 3D modeler, vector graphic designer, customer service manager, shipper / receiver, motorsports technical advisor, mechanic, and so much more. The job I worked at for almost 10 years straight out of high school I basically did it all besides the accounting.
That was a great experience and really wanting to take my talents elsewhere to grow and learn.

Living in beautiful Lake Havasu City, AZ
Willing to relocate

What I do in the meantime….
Besides making the best websites I can, my passions include running, personal development, fixing anything broken, dirt biking, hiking, and so much more.
I contribute to the local community by volunteering for trash clean up days and being a team member to jet skiing’s junior racers day.